Christian Formation

The ministry of Christian Formation at Saint Anne Parish – We promote a lifelong growth of discipleship and development of a lived experience of our Catholic faith. Our catechetical program offers curriculum-based classes from First through Twelfth Grade.

Pass on the Faith to children and teens – We welcome caring adults, willing to learn, and willing to share faith with our young parishioners. Maybe God is calling you to join our catechetical team as a lead catechist, classroom aide, hall monitor, substitute, youth group leader, chaperone, setup helper, or driver. Time and talent commitment varies to fit your needs. If you have questions about any of the above, please contact Elena Ziegler at (803) 329-2662 extension 4.

The Faith Formation program does the vital work of formal Christian Formation assisting the parents of baptized children as they carry out their responsibility to form their children in our faith.

The Youth Group Program has been revamped. The program enables teens to learn faith in a fun, supportive and safe environment. The program provides occasions for our young parishioners to get to know others in their faith. Teens and their adult core team leaders delve into a deeper relationship and understanding of our Church and themselves.

As part of the New Evangelization, Saint Anne is dedicated to helping our parishioners better understand our Catholic faith so we can live it and profess it confidently in our daily life. Adult Enrichment programs are created throughout the year in great variety. The programs are offered to meet with Scripture study, group faith sharing, personal growth development, and lecture series on Christian and Catholic Foundations among other offerings.

A long-lasting and vibrant discipleship requires continual educational, spiritual, and community growth. It is in response to our call of discipleship and evangelization that we develop programs such as First Friday Friends. In the First Friday of the month, parishioners gather together for coffee and faith sharing in a relaxing faith sharing and discussion.

For adults interested in exploring the Catholic Faith, we offer RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).  This is the process through which adults become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. Whether you are unbaptized or you were baptized in another denomination the RCIA team welcomes you to attend the Period of Inquiry. This is a time for you to ask questions and begin to learn about the Catholic Faith.


Click here for Forms!

Faith Formation Classes

Do you have a school aged child who does not attend a Catholic School?

Faith Formation classes are offered both Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. For more information please contact Elena Ziegler at (803) 329-2662 ext.4.

Click here for Faith Formation to get your registration form  to get your registration form. Please complete the Class Enrollment Form and return it as soon as possible. Only one form per family is required. Classes are for registered parishioners. If you are not registered in the parish, please contact the parish office at 803-329-2662 x3.

  1. Please print neatly the information asked in the form and include an email address.
  2. Class space is limited, and places will be filled as the completed registration is received.
  3. The completed registration form must include payment.
  4. Early registration discount of $10 per student. ($40 per student/$100 per family)
  5. Afterwards the full tuition must be paid. ($50 per student/125 per family)

Please contact Elena Ziegler with any questions at 803-372-5865 or 803-329-2662 ext.4

Pressione aqui ==> Faith Formation (Spanish)   La aplicación para el año entrante de catecismo está adjunta. Recomendamos que aparten su lugar ahora . Solo se require un formato por familia. Favor de llenarlo y entregarlo lo más pronto posible. Las clases son para familias registradas como miembros de St. Anne. Si aun tu familia no está registrada, llamar a la oficina parroquial al # 329-2662 x3.

Notar los siguientes puntos muy importantes:

  1. Escribir en una forma clara e incluir su email si lo revises.
  2. El número de estudiantes por salon es limitado. Su reservación será hecho al recibir el registro completo.
  3. Un registro completo incluye la cuota de inscripción.
  4. Antes el costo es $40 por niño y no más de $100 por familia.
  5. Después el costo es $50 por niño y no más de $125 por familia.
  6. Puedes entregar el formato completado con cheque o dinero en efectivo al catequista. Los cheques se harán al nombre de St. Anne Church.
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