Join us for Holy Mass every First Friday of the Month. Following the Mass, there is a gathering for Birthday Blessings

In tradition with the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we host First Friday Holy Mass at St. Anne Church at 7:00AM. This mass is open to everyone and will feature the Parish Prayer List names announced during the prayers of the faithful. We can find the current list added to the website and also displayed in the Adoration and Daily Chapel.

Immediately following the Mass, there will be a social in the Gathering Space for the Birthday Blessings celebrating the birthdays of all parishioners during the month.

During the Mass we lift up our petitions to the Lord for a quick and peaceful healing for our parishioners and friends of our community who most need our care and prayers.

Birthday Blessings

Immediately following the 7:00am Mass there is a social celebration where we recognize and rejoice with all our parishioners celebrating birthday during the month. We give thanks to the Lord for the many gifts he has bestowed upon us and we ask for God’s unceasingly care for us and our families and friends.  Come and join us as we recite together the Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we entrust our family to You. Look down upon us and reveal to us the treasures of love, goodness, and grace in Your Heart. Forgive our sins and fortify our weakness, that we may serve You faithfully as You deserve. These favors we ask for ourselves and for every family in our neighborhood and homeland. Heart of Jesus, pierced by a soldier’s lance on Calvary, be our refuge in life and our gateway to Paradise. Amen.

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